Minechem polytool multiple stacks
Minechem polytool multiple stacks

minechem polytool multiple stacks

Gives player night vision when attacking. There is a random chance of filling the hunger bar by 4 points whenever a block is mined. Provides extra air when mining underwater.

minechem polytool multiple stacks

Zombies drop cooked steak instead of rotten meat when killed. Increases the number of items dropped when mining coal or diamond. Equivalent to a Bane of Arthropods enchant. Increases the damage when attacking spiders. Mobs float upwards when attacked and take fall damage. The table below lists all effects as of version 5.0.5.Ĭauses an explosion when the attacked entity is on fire. In addition to tool modifiers above, some elements add special effects to the Polytool. The following table lists the damage and speed modifiers for each of the relevant elements.

minechem polytool multiple stacks

Without any modifications, the Polytool has +8 Attack Damage, and 8 speed points each for the pickaxe (which tracks two separate statistics for ore mining and stone mining speeds), shovel, and axe functionalities. All active elements are shown revolving around the Polytool in the GUI.

Minechem polytool multiple stacks upgrade#

While in the configuration GUI, you can place a full stack of an element (64 atoms) in the upper-left slot to upgrade the tool with that element and apply its effects however, there is no way to remove elements from the tool once they're applied. The Polytool is used in the same way as any Minecraft tool: left-click is used to attack, chop, dig, and mine, and right-click opens the configuration GUI. Polytool Configuration GUI with hydrogen, sulfur, ruthenium, and rhodium modifiers. The Polytool is crafted by placing a 4 full stacks of Carbon Nanotubes into the Chemical Synthesis Machine configured so that the top-center, left-center, right-center, and bottom-center slots each have a full stack.

Minechem polytool multiple stacks